Saturday, September 27, 2014

Nichelle A. Himawan Sweet 17th Party

Nichelle Angeline Himawan
Dian Harapan
Peninsula Hotel

MC: Kenneth + Devin
PIC: Jovita + Benny + Feri
Photographer: Felix
Videoman: Surya
Usher: Kevin J

Dinda Larasati's Sweet 17th Party

Dinda Larasati
SMA 103
JW Cafe
MC: Daniel
PIC: Indrawan
DJ: Harlan
Photographer: Bob

Testimonial from Dinda:

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Vivanco Product Launching

Only One Club

MC: Obrey
PIC: Perpi, Chen, Jocelyn
Photographer: Jenny
Usher: Jeane

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Saila Luthfiyyah's Sweet 17th Party

Saila Luthfiyyah
Home Sweet Home
MC: Jocelyn and Yavi
PIC: Jovita and Benny
Photographer: Jenny
Usher: Petra

Testimonial from Saila:

Claudia Susanto's Sweet 17th Party

Claudia Susanto
Metro Broadway

MC: Sammy and Obrey
PIC: Kevin and Chen
DJ: Harlan
Photographer: Felix

Usher: Marsheilla

Testimonial from Claudia:

Sella Sabrina's Sweet 17th Party

Sella Sabrina
SMAN 1 Bekasi
Hotel Horizon Bekasi

MC: Daniel and Devin
PIC: Indrawan and Nike
DJ: Harlan
Photographer: Roberth and Ferdian

Operator: Daphne
Videoman: Surya
Usher: Febriani and Kevin

Testimonial from Sella:

Saturday, September 06, 2014

Dinda's Sweety 17th Party

Al Azhar Kemang Pratama
Only One Club
MC: Kenneth and Devin
PIC: Indrawan and Josephina
DJ: Felix VJT
Photographer: Jenny